触达全球前沿思想 释放架构协同价值
作为开放技术标准和认证领域的领导者,The Open Group 依托其旗下多个论坛,以厂商中立的身份为各行各业的数字化转型提供指导。2024年,基于行业前沿思想与最佳实践,The Open Group全新升级「国际视野·云端会客厅」架构师精选系列直播。

Chris Forde作为The Open Group全球EA副总裁兼亚太区总经理,领导并负责了TOGAF®标准、O-AA™️开放敏捷架构标准和ArchiMate®建模语言等多个架构领域标准构建的顶层设计与突破,并为TOGAF® v10标准等多个版本的制定和全球发布做出了巨大贡献。
在加入The Open Group之前,Forde先生曾任美国运通战略和架构副总裁,主导并负责客户服务能力。

Chris是富士通的首席企业架构师,就职于应用技术咨询部门;该部门为全球富士通集团提供指导方针、标准和专家技术支持。Chris从2005年起为富士通工作,担任过各种技术领导职务,包括各种大型业务部门的CTO。在加入富士通之前,他曾在EDS(现在是DXC的一部分)为英国国防部的几个大型项目工作,并在早年间为福特、壳牌和一家名为Shamrock Marketing的小型初创软件公司工作。

Andras持有James Madison University的生物学和计算机科学学士学位,以及计算机科学硕士学位,主修操作系统和人工智能。

是英国和爱尔兰IBM 数据生态系统首席技术官,也是 The Open Group Open Professions 计划的杰出 IT 架构师。同时,他还是社会技术科学家,技术架构师,作家和TED演讲者。他曾任 IBM 技术研究院副院长、万维网联盟(W3C)成员、纽卡斯尔大学客座实践教授和南安普顿大学兼职教授。


作为The Open Group标准与认证副总裁,他监督所有的认证和测试项目,并管理Open Group的标准流程。自1996年加入公司以来,Andrew一直密切参与The Open Group的标准开发、认证和测试活动。他领导了包括ArchiMate®、TOGAF®、POSIX®和UNIX®规范等在内的多个项目开发。


他负责可持续发展项目,包括我们的Open Footprint™论坛标准倡议的市场开发,以及我们内部可持续发展计划的制定。 开放足迹论坛正在创建标准,以缓解与范围1/2/3温室气体排放报告相关的数据管理问题。开放足迹论坛的标准将减少与排放报告相关的风险,以及释放与气候和排放决策相关的价值。吉姆还负责与我们的开放职业计划相关的市场开发。

Arjen(AJ)van de Voort领导OFP和Intertek全球可持续发展保证负责人,以客户为中心、注重成果的全球高管,在大多数大陆的石油和天然气、油田服务、消费品、汽车和政府领域拥有超过28年的财富500强公司工作经验。目前在Intertek工作了10年,在此之前在SAP工作了15年。我的职业生涯始于1986年的UNIX。

The session will discuss the importance of investing in new approaches, learning and up-skilling for organizations undertaking digital transformations with the TOGAF® Standard.


Today, modern business is adrift in a sea of connectivity and potential. Where once an organization’s IT needs could be met from within its four walls, we now see many mission-critical systems reaching out beyond an enterprise’s traditional boundaries. This is pushing solutions’ design well beyond the comfort zone of Enterprise Architecture and out into a world of hyper-enterprise systems.
This is a world of complexity and scale, where the changing status quo demands that organizations keep up or die. To survive, their IT systems must also evolve as the context of their environment(s) ebbs and flows. The result is a dynamic, interconnected web of critical business advantage, balanced against uncertainty and risk and infused with AI. This is the world of Ecosystems Architecture.
This session will cover the work recently undertaken by the Ecosystems Architecture Group and provide some tantalizing insight into how generative AI might help design massively complex IT systems.

In this session we will explore the growing impact of artificial intelligence and the potential impact of super intelligence on the profession and practice of Enterprise Architecture. How will the role of the Enterprise Architect change and are we at risk of losing large segments of the technology sector to automation. How can the role of the Enterprise Architect exist alongside AI based solutions that seem as if they could replace much of our job functions? What are the current risks of using AI solutions as elements of our Enterprise Architecture? Can we avoid causing significant damage to IT professions and services while still embracing AI?

在该分享中,安盛数据架构团队将展示TOGAF®标准新的系列指南。该指南利用了由AXA数据架构社区制作的参考架构,并由The Open Group 架构论坛丰富和优化。
During the presentation, AXA Data Architecture team will present this new series guide that leverages reference architecture produced by AXA data architecture community and enriched by The Open Group Architecture forum.

Chair of the BCS Green Specialist Group, and Founder of SDAdvocate, an Independent Sustainable Technology Consultancy. His passion for sustainability started in 2006 when he joined the IBM House of Carbon initiative, which defined a simple methodology to map and address carbon usage across an organisation. The 2015 Paris Climate Change conference was the catalyst to drive a clear requirement for action. Previously stakeholders would be driven by a moral and brand focus in the delivery of sustainable IT best practices. It became a prerequisite to access finance, meet regulation and consumers expectations.

Technology-driven innovation is at the heart of the sustainability journey. With that, enterprise architecture bridges the gap between the sustainability aspirations of the enterprise and putting its strategy to work. But there is a delicate balance act, as some technology innovations may deliver the sustainability value the enterprise is looking for, but with their own environmental cost. Building on the latest insights from the TechnoVision trend publications, this speech brings you down the rabbit hole of doing more with less, less with more, less with less and even just saying ‘no’.

在这场由The Open Group主办的网络研讨会上,我们将向与会者概述负责报告排放的公司面临的一些关键问题,以及开放足迹™(OFP)论坛为帮助他们所做的工作。
In this webinar, hosted by The Open Group, we will provide attendees with an overview of some of the key issues facing companies tasked with reporting emissions, and of the work that the Open Footprint™ (OFP) Forum is doing to help.
Following the overview presentation, there will be a Q&A session and panel discussion with members of the OFP Forum.

As the world and companies are working to manage the impacts of climate change, the need for verifiable and accurate carbon data across the value chain and around products/services is becoming increasingly important. Over the past three years, over 80+ companies have been closely collaborating in the Open Footprint Forum to develop a standardized and robust data model to manage carbon emissions (Scope 1 / 2 / 3) and product carbon footprint. Join us to understand how leveraging this common data model can accelerate your company's journey around decarbonization and meeting the evolving the expectation of key stakeholders, like regulators and customers.