

TOGAF® 常用链接

TOGAF® 常用链接

2018年1月31日 478次admin






G116 TOGAF® Version 9.1
G117 TOGAF® Version 9.1: A Pocket Guide
G117BP TOGAF® Versão 9.1 – Um Guia de Bolso (Brazilian Portuguese version)
G117S TOGAF® Versión 9.1 - Guía de Bolsillo (Latin American Spanish)
G117F TOGAF® Version 9.1 – Guide de Poche
Cxxx TOGAF 9.1 Translation Glossaries
G168 The TOGAF® Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability
G152 Integrating Risk and Security within a TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture
G161 Business Capabilities
G164 The TOGAF® Technical Reference Model (TRM)
W170 Digital Transformation Strategy to Implementation using The Open Group Standards
W16C Capability-Based Planning
W16B Architecture Project Management
W099 Making the Business Case in TOGAF® 9
W118 An Introduction to TOGAF® 9.1
W094 TOGAF® Version 9 Enterprise Edition: Introduction
W095 TOGAF® Version 9 Enterprise Edition: Migration Overview
W136 TOGAF®, an Open Group Standard, and Enterprise Architecture Requirements
W135 Integrating the TOGAF® Standard with the BIAN Service Landscape
W114 Exploring Synergies between TOGAF® and Frameworx
W109 Motivation, Principles, and Requirements in TOGAF®
W117 TOGAF® and SABSA® Integration
W105 TOGAF® 9 and DoDAF 2.0
W132 An Information Architecture Vision: Moving from Data Rich to Information Smart

