在The Open Group,我们始终为构建一个无边界信息流™的世界而努力。我们相信,开放标准在打破障碍、促进跨系统、行业和地区的互操作性方面发挥着关键作用。而开放架构标准在推进全社会实现可持续发展目标的过程中,将作为一个至关重要的推动因素,以开放与协同的方式,提供广泛的系统思维,进而实现社会的深度协作。
At The Open Group, we envision a world of Boundaryless Information Flow™️, We believe that Open Standards play a pivotal role in breaking down barriers and fostering interoperability across systems, industries, and geographies. The APAC Award aligns with this vision by acknowledging those who have embraced and championed Open EA Standards, enabling organizations to achieve true Boundaryless Information Flow™️.
作为亚太地区最突出、最负盛名的奖项之一,The Open Group 年度大奖始终秉承如上愿景,旨在基于开放架构标准和开源软件在应用和进步方面的影响力、领导力、卓越性与创新性,表彰与奖励那些为推动开放架构标准的发展而努力的组织和个人。
The Open Group APAC Award stands as one of the most prominent and prestigious award in the APAC region, recognizing impact, leadership, excellence and innovation, and in the application and advancement of Open EA Standards and Open Source Software.
The Open Group 年度大奖颂扬了开放架构标准的变革力量,象征着在全球范围内,对获奖者在推动开放架构标准在行业采用、实施和影响方面的显著成就,以及在奉献精神、专业知识和对开放架构标准领域方面的杰出贡献给予足够认可。
The APAC Award symbolizes global recognition of outstanding contributions and remarkable achievements in driving the adoption, implementation, and impact of Open EA Standards across industries. It celebrates the transformative power of Open EA Standards, represents a mark of distinction and serves as a testament to the recipient's dedication, expertise, and the field of Open EA Standards.
获得The Open Group 年度大奖,意味着您不仅可以因卓越的成就而受到表彰,同时还可加入由志同道合的创新者和领导者组成的社区,一同为实现无边界的信息流而努力。不仅如此,该奖项也标志着您对开放、合作和创新的承诺,并将您定位为所在领域的思想领袖和影响者。
By receiving the APAC Award, you are not only being recognized for your exceptional accomplishments, but you are also joining a community of like-minded innovators and leaders who are driving the boundaryless information flow revolution. This esteemed award signifies your commitment to openness, collaboration, and innovation, and positions you as a thought leader and influencer in your field.
提名申报指南 Nomination Guidelines
a. 提名向在亚太地区有业务的世界各地的组织和个人开放 Nominations are open to organizations across the world having presence in the APAC region;
b. 任何组织都有资格提交提名,不限于The Open Group的成员 Any organization is eligible to submit nominations and need not be members of The Open Group;
c. 请通过在线提名申报通道递交提名申请 Completed nominations are to be submitted through online nomination form;
d. 完整的提名须在2024年09月15日之前递交 Completed nominations must be received no later than Sept. 15th, 2024;
e. 组织和个人可以在多个类别中提交多个提名,但每个提名必须针对不同的项目。上一年获奖的项目不可重复申请今年的奖项 Organizations can submit more than one nomination in more than one category, but each nomination must be for a different project. Projects that have won an award in a previous year are not eligible to participate in this year’s awards;
f. 评审委员会/评审委员会成员可能会联系被提名者进行面谈,以收集更多细节 Nominees may be contacted by the evaluation team / members of the jury for interviews to collect further detail;
g. 获奖名单将于2024年11月公布 The winners of awards will be announced in November, 2024。
a. 请在截止日期前提交您的参赛作品,严重逾期者将视为放弃参与评奖
No entries received after the closing date will be accepted under any circumstances;
b. 所有参赛作品和证明材料将由我们的评审委员会严格保密,并依据相关要求安全销毁
All entries and supporting material will be kept strictly confidential by our panel of judges and shall be securely destroyed upon request;
c. 我们可能会要求与申请提名的人员进行进一步面谈;面谈的目的是为了获得更深入的见解,以便进行评判
We might request a further interview with the executive managing the programme that is being nominated, The objective of the interview is to gain deeper insights for the purposes of judging;
d. 对于组织类奖项,参与评奖是组织行为,而不是个人行为;参与评奖的组织必须有权或经业主充分授权后才能报名参与评奖,并对所申报的项目/报告内容的真实性负责
Participation in the award is an organizational act, not an individual act; organizations participating in the award must have the right or be fully authorized by the owner to register for the award and be responsible for the authenticity of the content of the declared project/report;
e. 如果您提名的企业不是您工作的企业,请附上该企业高级领导的书面提名许可。请确保许可包括在The Open Group颁奖典礼和峰会上讨论企业架构实践的意愿 If you are nominating an enterprise that you do not work for, please attach written permission for this nomination from a senior leader in that enterprise. Please ensure that the permission includes willingness to discuss the enterprise’s EA practice on stage at The Open Group Award and Summit.
评审标准 Review Standards
The list of finalists will be based on a comprehensive in-depth evaluation of the quality and quantity of their nominations.。
由The Open Group的专家和特邀架构领域专家组成的评审专家委员会将评选并确定入围组织,并在必要时对其进行面试,以仔细挑选获奖者。The Open Group的专家将构成评审委,以筛选人物提名,并在必要时对其进行面试
A panel of judging experts, composed of The Open Group's experts and invited architecture domain experts, will select and identify the shortlisted organizations and interview them, if necessary, to carefully select the winners. Experts from The Open Group will form the judging panel to screen nominees and, if necessary, interview them.
All submissions are scored using proprietary quantitative and qualitative methods. Evaluation criteria include, but are not limited to:
a. 《TOGAF®标准,第十版》(The TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition)
b. 《开放敏捷架构™️标准》(The Open Agile Architecture™️ Standard)
c. 《ArchiMate® 3.2标准》(ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification)
d. 《The Open Group IT4IT™️标准,3.0版:数字管理的参考架构》(The Open Group IT4IT™ Standard, Version 3.0: A Reference Architecture for Managing Digital)
e. 《数字化从业人员™️标准》(Digital Practitioner Body of Knowledge™ Standard)
In addition to the above criteria, the relevant aspects of problem presentation and resolution, business and technical solutions and their application and implementation, results and impact will be considered.
All conversations during the judging process will be strictly confidential. If any of our conversations are to be used in future published research, we will seek your express permission in advance.
评奖工作计划表 Timelines
起止日期 Date |
评审委员会评审进度 Jury Review |
提名者材料准备 Nominees Preparation |
06/01–09/15 |
1. 报奖材料准备和收集
2. 材料初审反馈 |
1. 在线申请表及证明材料 2. 大奖提名申请许可(按需) |
08/01–09/30 |
1. 第一轮评审工作开始
2. 预约现场/在线评审时间 |
1. 组织/人物中英文介绍各200字
09/15–10/20 |
1. 第二轮:项目/举措现场/在线评审
2.确定入围名单 |
1. 依照申请表提供相关证明材料
10/20–11/10 |
1. 第三轮:专业架构社区热度
2. 评审委员会终审确定获奖名单
3. 评审委员会完成项目评估并编写评估报告和反馈报告,上报评审意见
1. 确定年会领奖人信息
2. 确定获奖企业演讲人信息、演讲主题、大纲及PPT 3. 提交宣传视频(120秒) |
2024/11 |
年度大奖颁奖典礼 |
配合The Open Group工作人员安排准时参加大奖相关活动 |
特别提示 Tips:
如有现场评审需要,The Open Group将与申请方联系并确认现场评审的日期与时间(2024年09月15日至10月20日之间)。评审期间评委小组的交通及食宿费用由申请方承担,每次现场评审将有2~3位评委及一位The Open Group员工参与。
If an on-site review is required, The Open Group will contact the applicant to confirm the date and time of the on-site review (between Sept 15 and Oct 30, 2024). During The judging period, the transportation and accommodation expenses of the judging panel will be borne by the applicant. Each on-site judging will involve 2~3 judges and one employee of The Open Group.
评组织名单、评分标准以及申报材料的评分结果为The Open Group所有,上述信息不会公开,The Open Group会在材料评审阶段结束时向申请方的指定联系发出书面通知。
The list of evaluation organizations, The scoring criteria and the scoring results of the application materials are the property of The Open Group and will not be made public. The Open Group will send a written notice to the applicant's designated contact at the end of the materials review phase.

关键词:积极影响 引领变革 品牌声誉
Key words: Impact · Leadership · Excellence
Acknowledges an organization that has made significant strides in implementing Open EA Standards and open source software, demonstrating a marked improvement in efficiency, interoperability, or other key indicators.
Participating organizations should have influence in the field of open architecture, have strong brand value and good reputation in the market, make a positive impact on society through practical solutions, and create long-term value for society and themselves in a sustainable way.

关键词:创新 突破 开放
Key words: Innovation · Breakthrough · Open
To recognize organizations that have demonstrated outstanding innovative capabilities and contributions in the application of open architecture standards and open source software, in order to stimulate the development and innovation of the industry and promote the widespread application and popularization of open architecture standards in the field of technology.
Participating organizations should demonstrate a deep understanding and application of open architecture standards, have at least one innovative solution and product, and promote the development and application of standards through innovative and open methods and thinking.

关键词:举措/倡议 平等
Key words: Initiatives · Equality
It aims to recognize and inspire more organizations to create an inclusive and diverse environment in the architecture field, promote women's outstanding achievements in leadership positions, innovative projects and professional development, promote gender equality, provide more opportunities for women to showcase their talents and development potential, and promote progress and innovation in the entire architecture field.
Participating organizations need to have at least one promising initiative or program in the field of open architecture, while actively advocating for gender equality, providing equal opportunities, and increasing women's participation and influence in the field of architecture within the organization and in the industry.

关键词:1-8年 影响力 发展潜力
Key words: 1-8 years · Impact · Potential
It aims to recognize the outstanding talent and potential of rising star organizations in the field of open architecture standards, encourage them to continue to innovate, and bring new ideas and solutions to the industry, promote the progress and development of open architecture standards, and bring new vitality and driving force to the technology field.
The participating organizations have been engaged in the field of open architecture standards and open source software for no more than 8 years, have a unique understanding of open architecture standards and technical capabilities, have made remarkable achievements in a short period of time, and have innovative thinking, practical ability and development potential.

关键词:多元化 平等 灵活 包容
Key Words:Diversity · Equality · Flexibility · Containmen
To recognize and encourage organizations to inspire diversity and inclusion in the field of open architecture standards, share and promote best practices, and contribute to creating a more inclusive and diverse open architecture ecosystem.
Participating organizations should demonstrate positive inclusion initiatives, such as promoting diverse participation, providing equal opportunities, promoting an inclusive culture, and embracing diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

关键词:活力 生态 伙伴 社区
Key Words:Energy · Ecosystem · Partner · Community
It aims to recognize organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the Open Architecture Standards ecosystem and inspire organizations to take a leadership role in the Open Architecture Standards ecosystem, promote mutually beneficial partnerships, promote technological innovation and development, and build a prosperous, sustainable and interconnected open architecture standards ecosystem.
Participating organizations should demonstrate positive actions to promote open architecture standards, including following and contributing to open architecture standards, promoting cooperation and interoperability, promoting open innovation and cross-border cooperation, and building architecture related communities.

关键词:ESG 长期主义 可持续发展
Key Words:ESG · Long-term · Sustainability
奖项说明/Description:体现了The Open Group对于组织在环境、社会和治理架构方面取得的杰出成就的认可。旨在表彰在架构中采用ESG原则,促进可持续实践的企业行为,并且在将ESG原则纳入其架构实践和解决方案方面,表现出模范领导力和创新精神的组织。It
aims to inspire and encourage the adoption of ESG principles in architecture, promoting sustainable practices and responsible business behavior. By recognizing exemplary achievements, this award motivates organizations to prioritize ESG considerations in their architectural decision-making processes and contribute to a more sustainable and socially conscious future.
Participating organizations should continue to focus on and actively promote the integration and implementation of ESG factors in corporate decision-making and operations, and should demonstrate leadership in sustainability, social responsibility and good governance, innovative solutions and practice of ESG standards.

关键词:领导力 权威引领 社会责任
Key words: Leadership · Excellence · Responsibility
奖项说明/Description:该奖项表彰The Open Group的会员组织,该组织在The Open Group社区内展示了卓越的领导力,并为社区的增长和发展做出了贡献,在效率、互操作性或其他关键指标方面取得显著改善,并通过其实施和贡献实践激励了其他人。
Recognizes a member organization that has demonstrated exceptional leadership and contributed to the growth and development of The Open Group community, demonstrated excellence in its application of Open EA Standards and open source software, introducing innovative solutions that address complex challenges, inspiring others through their implementation and contribution practices.
申报要求/Requirements:参与组织需在The Open Group会员单位社区内有一定的权威地位,同时应展现出对开放架构标准的战略规划和发展的卓越领导、对技术创新和标准制定的引领作用、对社区会员单位的支持和激励,以及对生态系统合作和互联互通的推动力。
Participating member organizations should have a position of authority within The Open Group member community and demonstrate leadership in the strategic planning and development of open architecture standards, leadership in technology innovation and standards development, support and inspiration to other members, and a driving force for ecosystem collaboration and connectivity.

关键词:标准教育 认证培训 权威引领
Key words: Standard Education · Certification Training · Professional
Recognizing member organizations that have made significant contributions to the education and training of professionals in the field of open EA standards.
Participating member organizations should have demonstrated excellence in education and training programs, adherence to certification standards and best practices, holding an evidence of a successful track record in delivering training, have a rich educational and trainers resources, and commitment to continuous improvement.

The Jury Co-Chair Award is a unique recognition for an individual, organization, or initiative that embodies the spirit and vision of open EA standards and open source software, and for the pursuit of a sustainable future with the force of AI. This special award, at the sole discretion of the judging co-chairs, is designed to recognize and celebrate someone or something that has made an extraordinary impact outside the typical award category. The recipient of this award may have demonstrated exceptional innovation, leadership, or impact in advancing the cause of open standards and open source software. This may include transformative initiatives, groundbreaking research, visionary leadership, or unparalleled contributions to the community. This award is a testament to the flexibility and inclusiveness of the open EA standards community, recognizing how diverse contributions can shape and drive progress in this field.