与一财Mark Kruger畅谈开放技术标准的应用和未来 – 上篇

与一财Mark Kruger畅谈开放技术标准的应用和未来 – 上篇

2021年12月9日 81次秝妤

The Open Group全球EA副总裁兼亚太区总经理Chris Forde先生对话一财全球编辑、国际治理创新中心高级研究员Mark Kruger 先生,探讨The Open Group开放技术标准在私营部门和公共领域的广泛应用,及其对可持续发展、数字安全的深远影响。双方从五个维度展开交流。


01揭秘The Open Group不同凡响的25年


留意到Chris Forde 先生所佩戴的The Open Group 25周年徽章,Mark Kruger先生询问是否能透露更多关于这个特别生日的信息。


Chris Forde

今年9月21日是The Open Group 25周年诞辰。该组织成立于1996年,由X/Open Group和开放软件基金会整合而成。成立的初衷是为了整合规范,即围绕UNIX®操作系统规范,从不同供应商和厂商那里整合成一个单一的国际标准。从那时起,我们一直延续这种以开放标准推动行业前进的方法。发展至今,我们已经从深层次的技术标准延展到企业架构以及能源、环境、制造业等多个垂直行业,引领更为广泛的技术标准应用。


Sure. The Open Group’s 25th anniversary happened in September of 2021. The organization was founded out of the integration of X/Open and the Open Software Foundation back in 1996. And the initial reason for that was to consolidate the single UNIX specification, the operating system specification around UNIX from various suppliers and vendors into one single international standard. Since then, we've continued that approach to open standards. But these days we've moved on from deep technical standards into things like enterprise architects, standards in multiple industries or oil and gas, the environment, among others. And our membership spends all of those industries and sectors we have, I think, around 870 member companies right now.


The Open Group的运作模式是会员制,在全球有大约870多家会员单位,包括企业、政府机构、学术机构和行业协会等。在我看来,The Open Group是由这些会员单位组成的,而我们工作人员所做的是不断推动、帮助这些专家更好地参与其中,传播专业知识、共创价值。


Our business mode is membership-based. We have around 870 members including corporations, government agencies, academia, associations in multiple industries and sectors. The Open Group are those member organizations, and the staff facilitates the subject matter experts and the subject matter expertise that those folks bring to the table. 


我们从这些专家的日常运营活动中提取最佳实践,并将其提炼为开放标准。TOGAF®就是一个例子,我们将几十年的经验提炼到该规范中,使得人们可以从The Open Group官方网站上免费地参看这些规范。


So we spend our time taking that best practice out of their real day to day operational activity and distilling that into these standards. And TOGAF is an example of that where we have actually decades of experience distilled into that specification. And then that's made publicly available free of charge to people from our website. 


参与The Open Group的行业专家来自众多企业和组织,包括IBM的杰出工程师、思科的首席技术官、NASA的行政级别高管等等。而在中国,The Open Group董事会的代表之一是华为首席战略和数字官车海平博士。这些人将各自的专业技能带到The Open Group,在此交流切磋,并把共创的成果带入公共领域。


Many of the folks involved in The Open Group activities are for example distinguished engineers at IBM, CTO of Cisco, executive level people from business or organizations like NASA. And here in China, one of the board representatives is the chief strategy and digital officer of Huawei, Dr. Che Haiping. These people bring enormous capabilities and share their activities amongst each other, and then hand it into the public domain. 


Mark Kruger

这听起来令人振奋。The Open Group的会员单位中是否有中国公司或机构?


That sounds amazing! Are there any Chinese companies that are members of The Open Group?


Chris Forde



That's the primary motivation for having our office here in shanghai for the Asia Pacific region. We've been here since about 12 years since 2012. We've got about 25 Chinese headquartered members at the moment. In general, our target audience is usually the top 100 companies in a given market. It's very gratifying to see those organizations participating in the standards development.




Chris Forde先生的第二个身份是全球企业架构师协会(AEA)首席执行官,致力于引导培养企业架构师的职业成长。


Mark Kruger



That's interesting. Now, your background is an enterprise architecture. I think a lot of our viewers may not fully understand what enterprise architecture is. So could you tell me what's the difference between an enterprise architect and a solution architect?


Chris Forde



Enterprise architecture is a management discipline born out of the 80s around the development of technologies and the replication of technologies that came into the business environment. So there needs to be a lot of planning, development, strategy, operations, integrating business and technology capabilities is true than ever today. The enterprise architects, as a discipline, tend to focus on the broader issues for a particular organization, or in the public sector for a government, the solution architects, who are colleagues of the EAs, working at a level of detail where they're integrating technical solutions to the business outcomes that the company has set a strategic or a tactical goals. So a solution architect might be putting together a mobile phone, the iPad software on that, helping to have the organization martial its resources around the integrated business data and technical, physical technical solutions that get deployed into the customers are inside the company. Whereas the EA is gonna be kind of a step earlier than that in the strategy planning and overall plans for the organization.


Mark Kruger



It sounds like quite a fascinating field. Now I have two young daughters, let's say they want to go to school to become enterprise architects. What should they do?


Chris Forde



The typical route that we see people taking is through some sort of computer science degree or experience in the computing and ICT field. But more and more what we are seeing is undergraduate and master degree programs in enterprise architecture, both in Europe, North America, and over here, in China. So what I would qualify that by saying now is a business degree having business acumen and the technical acumen to create solutions for a current digital environment, as we refer to it, would be the right path to take a kind of a blended business and technical focus in your education.


Mark Kruger



I see, now I have a training as an economist, but for economists, there's no particular professional certification. On the other hand, disciplines like the chartered financial analyst, they have three levels of tests. And if you want to call yourself a CFA you have to go through their certification. Is there any kind of certification process for EA?


Chris Forde

是的,但我认为类似于经济学家的情况。如果你选择做企业架构师,你可以声称自己是企业架构师,前提是你通过相应的认证项目。The Open Group提供了基于TOGAF标准的知识,同时我们还提供开放的认证架构师职业计划。该项目包括基于知识技能和基于经验的认证。你可以先通过一个TOGAF认证。但进入Open CA(认证架构师)项目,起码要有3年的相关工作经验。你需要提供文件,通过面试,你的知识技能和经验将由经架构师国际社区中更资深的从业者及同行进行评审。


There is, but I think the situation is similar to that of economists. You can call yourself an architect or an enterprise architect solution architect in the general population if you choose to, but there are certification programs for it. The Open Group offers won based on knowledge of the standards of TOGAF. We also offer the open certified architect professions program. Now that program is based on knowledge skills and experience. You could have a precursor of TOGAF certification, but if you go into that open CA program, the minimum amount of experience you would be expected to bring to the table be 3 years. When you go into the program and provide the documentation and go through an interview process, a peer review process of your knowledge skills and experience that would be conducted by people more senior in the international community in that certification program.


全球多家大型公司如荷兰的菲利普、北美的IBM等,都有这类认证项目,The Open Group认证他们的项目是否符合开放CA项目。因此,The Open Group的专业认证是可移植的,无论你的雇主是谁,该认证伴随你的职业生涯持续有效。


There's a board certification for folks calling themselves open certified architect, and large companies such as Phillips from the Netherlands, IBM from the USA and others around the world, have those kinds of certification programs that The Open Group certifies their programs as complying to The Open Group Open CA program. And so the professional certification is portable, goes with the individual, no matter who their employer is once they enter into it.


Mark Kruger



So it sounds to be like the enterprise architect not only has a great perspective, but also has to go through rigorous training. So in that context, when you think of you in a corporation around the management table, you have CEO, CFO, the risk management, and you might have the enterprise architect as well. Do you feel the enterprise architect gets the respect he deserves? Deserves around that management table?


Chris Forde



It's an interesting question. I would say respect is earned, not deserved. So you'd better be able to play at that level. I think that for some organizations, they recognize the integral value of that management discipline. And the enterprise architects and those organizations do command respect and are really at the table as trusted advisers. The other folks that you described at the table actually have business and operational responsibility for delivery of certain things, right? Architects also play in that delivery space. 


Mark Kruger


I know a lot of organizations can get pretty silo-ed. So I think someone around the table who has that kind of sort of whole system, or sort of whole institution perspective could be very valuable. 


Chris Forde



It is extremely valuable, and it helps to knit together the strategic outcomes. So that kind of perspective that weaving together of those things is something that the architects in a particular organization can bring to the table interesting.




Mark Kruger



It sounds like TOGAF could really help a company sort of increase its efficiency or its business value. Can you give us like a practical example of how an institution has access to TOGAF and benefited from that.


Chris Forde



As an example, if you were going to orient your organization around customer service, you be engaging with the executives, responsible for the customer service capability and organization. The whole model of how you drive the customer services, people and incentive changes. So in making that kind of shift, you'll prototype it or proof of concept it in a particular market, and then you'll send it out into a global environment. And this is actually very similar to the Indian enterprise architecture program. The government of India prototype applied TOGAF in provinces. Then they started elevated in terms of policy and application, and then moved it into a government wide enterprise architecture program to support digital transformation for the national government.




Then again, if you're in a heavily regulated financial services firm, there may be complaints of incorrect charges in the client environment. When you have 90 million customers, the risks involved can be enormous, because even a fraction of that money open to regulatory scrutiny can bring you a lot of fines. 




So consolidating the information, identifying the risk level for the regulator and the penalty level, recognizing the relationship with all of those customers, those are the kinds of things that enterprise architects and solution architects are going to. 


Mark Kruger



So you mentioned the experience with India that I guess that TOGAF is not just for for companies that the public service can make use of this too. I understand that Korea has had some positive experience uh with this as well, right? 


Chris Forde

是的。韩国政府在2008年联系到The Open Group。当时,联合国正在对各国公共服务进行排名。韩国政府在那个时候的排名是在20位上下。在接下来的十年里,通过使用企业架构和TOGAF,韩国政府的排名上升到世界第一,并且在接下去的十年中一直处于前十名。在联合国电子政务调查(UNDESA)中,你会看到在这个领域的国家排名,历年韩国、英国、新加坡通常排在前五名。


The government of South Korea approached us originally in around 2008. And at that time, the UN was ranking public service delivery. And South Korea government's ranking at that level in time was somewhere down in the middle 20s. Then over the next decade using enterprise architecture and TOGAF is their initial entry into changing their capabilities. They moved up to be number one in the world and consistently in the top ten now  of the decade. So if you go to the UNDESA survey, the most recent public issue in 2020, you'll see the ranking of the top nations and typically you see South Korea, the United Kingdom, Singapore in the top five on a regular basis. 


世界银行刚刚发布了一份关于数字化转型的文件,探讨公共部门组织可以使用的参考模型。其中提到采用率。他们表示,像The Open Group TOGAF标准这样的材料的渗透率已经非常高。因此,即使企业没有处于完全采用这一标准的位置,他们仍然有能力使用开放标准,推进他们的商业目标。


I think the World Bank just published a document about digital transformation, and they we're talking about the reference models that are available to public sector organizations. And they were talking about the adoption rate. So even if people are not a in a position or a situation to wholly adopt, they still have the capability to use open standards like to get from The Open Group to make progress towards those goals.




Chris Forde 先生与 Mark Kruger先生就The Open Group开放技术标准的价值及影响的精彩对话 – 下篇,将于下周大放送,敬请期待接下来就如下两个维度的讨论:


4. 全球亟待可持续发展,The Open Group能做些什么?

5. 数字时代,The Open Group如何与中国并肩前行