亚太区总经理Chris Forde元旦贺词:期许下一个四分之一个世纪,辞旧迎新,奔赴未来

亚太区总经理Chris Forde元旦贺词:期许下一个四分之一个世纪,辞旧迎新,奔赴未来

2022年1月3日 77次UAT-栏目管理员
Happy New Year everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season!



Here we are at the end of 2021, and the the beginning of 2022. Apparently the “fastest year” ever, due to the acceleration of the earth’s rotation. It certainly feels like things are moving faster and faster while time has compressed for us.

我们又将要送走硕果累累的一年,迎接崭新的2022年。由于地球自转的加速,2021年成为有史以来 "最快的一年"。我们明显地感觉到周遭的一切都发展得越来越快,而时间也像被不断压缩。


In 2021 we saw the ongoing rapid response to Covid-19 global health emergency, the announcement of commitments related to climate change; the  Completion of the 2020 Olympic Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo and we now look forward to the imminent Winter Olympic Games in Beijing next month, such sporting events showcasing the worlds athletes allowing us to share in their effort and triumph, their tears and their joy. To marvel at their gifts and their dedication.



For The Open Group, 2021 was also year of achievements and celebration.

对The Open Group来说,2021年是充满挑战的一年,也是取得非凡成就、值得庆祝的一年。


In October, we held an unprecedented continuous 36 hour global event across seven cities on five continents around the world, to celebrate the things that The Open Group has created since its inception 25 years ago.

一个月前,我们跨越五大洲,在全球七大城市举办空前的交流盛会,以这种独特的方式共庆The Open Group成立25年来创造的历史和奇迹。


In these 25 years, we have developed and nurtured a business model based on sharing knowledge, one that fosters trust. The collaborative environment we have created for open standards innovation, exposes each of us to the ideas and inspiration of our global community. It is also a place to build friendships and be a leader of ideas and of delivering industry changing executable standards.



In 2021, we have delivered an array of valuable open technology standards. These have an impact in the energy, manufacturing, environmental, government, and healthcare, sectors amongst others. Providing innovative digital standards for organizations, individuals, governments and society.



In July our China office re-formed the Localization Working Group. In the context of SASAC guidelines for digital transformation of local companies, the LWG brings together subject matter experts and provides a dynamic, open platform for industry collaboration, representing a innovative practice to advance the integration of China’s physical and digital economy.



The activities of our China Headquartered Members, our volunteers and staff along with our international counterparts bears testimony to the fact that The Open Group's global reputation is based on the combined effort of its members, local communities and partners. 

我们与中国总部的会员单位、本地化专家志愿者、员工以及国际同行的合作证明了这样一个事实:这也再次说明,The Open Group的全球声誉离不开其成员、当地社区和合作伙伴的齐心合力。


Here I can not enumerate each one's contributions in this community effort. But we can recognize the shared passion, resilience, and commitment to excellence that constitutes the driving force for us to proceed and progress.



As builders, navigators and evangelists of open technology and standards, The Open Group walks a path of hope, toward common prosperity, based on shared ideas and knowledge. On this path, we witness continuous; innovation creativity, and improvement.

作为开放技术和标准的建设者、领航者和传道者,The Open Group构建并传承着一条走向人类共同繁荣的道路。在这条道路上,我们见证了不断的创新、创造和改进。


As a global pioneer The Open Group surfaces ideas and navigates the world with you to build a better future for us all by enabling more connections, cooperation and value.

作为全球引领开放技术标准的先行者,The Open Group将创造更多的连接、合作和价值,为我们所有人建立一个更美好的未来。


Standing at the entrance of 2022 and the next quarter century for The Open Group, we are building on our established foundation with professionalism and expertise, with an attitude of dedication and altruism, and with a human touch in technology. We are dedicated to driving progress and delivering value. Together, let us write the next chapter in the history of the digital age and The Open Group!

站在2022年The Open Group下一个四分之一世纪的入口,我们以专业立本、以态度立格、以温度立命,通过科技服务于社会的进步、人类的福祉。让我们一起谱写数字时代和The Open Group故事的下一个动人篇章!


Thank you all for listening.



I wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2022! Simply best wishes for you and your loved ones in this new year.
