Chris Forde:开放标准无处不在,共话美好世界的共同愿景

Chris Forde:开放标准无处不在,共话美好世界的共同愿景

2022年10月17日 50次秝妤


2022年10月14日是第53届世界标准日(World Standards Day),国际主题确定为“美好世界的共同愿景”,中国主题确定为“数字时代的标准化”。

作为开放技术标准和认证领域的2022年10月14日是第53届世界标准日(World Standards Day),国际主题确定为“美好世界的共同愿景”,中国主题确定为“数字时代的标准化”。
作为开放技术标准和认证领域的领导者,The Open Group深耕开放技术标准25载,在“无边界信息流™”的愿景指导下,始终致力于帮助企业通过技术标准实现业务目标。标准、指南、白皮书、案例分析等形式多样的发布物不断推陈出新,为行业在数字能力赛道的良性高速发展提供先进的理念、方法、策略以及具体应用场景下的最佳实践。

Chris Forde


为致敬世界标准日,Chris Forde作为The Open Group全球EA副总裁兼亚太地区总经理、企业架构师协会(AEA®)首席执行官,发表了名为“Open Standards Hiding in Plain Sight”为主题的演讲,旨在讲述当今数字化时代下,开放标准在未来发展过程中的必要性和必然性。





Any conversation on the relevance and value of open standards can be curiosity-triggering, mind-bending and, at the same time, inspiring. Such conversations will often elicit the intrigued response “really, I didn’t know that, how interesting!”.



Open standards underpin large parts of our physical and social world, they also underpin practices, information and processes at organizations of all industries, sizes and verticals, from space exploration, to modern manufacturing, from biopharmaceuticals to national defense, and of course, information and computing technology, and the list continues to grow.



Millions of digital professionals across the world are witnessing the current innovation explosion, with some, having line of sight to the value of open standards and the related reference architectures that can serve as accelerators for value creation.



The daunting reality is: hundreds of thousands of proprietary platforms, business suites and governance tools are implemented and exist as disconnected silos, embedded in organizations, where integration seems next to impossible, and customers feel locked into legacy solutions, unable to extract themselves and unable to leverage the latest opportunities being exploited by their upstart competitors.



At the same time, increasingly technology savvy consumers and business leaders born and raised in this digital era are looking for capabilities where technology, services, and products are blended seamlessly in real time to deliver value in a secure, robust, reliable and cost-effective way.



People have shifted or are shifting towards a mode of a continuous change and improvement seeking to better understand what customers value while translating their creativity into deliverables in a low-code environment. Meanwhile governance bodies are straining to harmonize standards and create an open and transparent environment, thus making the world a saf er place.



So all these pressures for change, human behaviors and mentalities may boil down to a simple question: “What could be a better way of doing things?”. Often there is more than one answer and I am going to discuss one answer of many that may be hiding in plain sight.



From 221 BC to 210 BC when Emperor Qin Shi Huang ruled, he enacted major economic and political reforms aimed at the standardization of the diverse practices of the earlier states and territories of China. These included standardizing the units of measurements such as weight and measures, the currency, the length of the axles of carts and, arguably the most important contribution, the unification of Chinese script. These ambitious moves have gone a long way in shaping what China is today, my second home that continuously intrigues me and inspires me.



Europe and America in the 18th century rode the tide of the industrial revolution, where unified standards played a pivotal role. From the concept of mass production from interchangeable parts developed by Eli Whitney, the renowned “father of standardization” to the creation of international standardization bodies in manufacturing, finance, public health, telecommunications and many more fields that have laid the cornerstone for an increasingly industrialized world, through a more interconnected world, up to where we are — a time moving beyond industrialization, to services and digital transformation.

18世纪的欧洲和美洲经历了工业革命的浪潮,统一标准在其中起到了举足轻重的作用。从批量生产概念,由著名“标准化之父”Eli Whitney,开发的可互换零件的标准,到日前各类国际标准化机构,如制造业、金融、公共卫生、电信等更多的领域,它们为日益工业化的世界奠定了基石,通过创建一个更加互联的世界,直至如今所处的位置:一个超越工业化、转向服务业和数字化转型的时代。


For countries, economies and organizations wrestling with this post-industrial, digital era, the concept and disciplines related to systems thinking, enterprise architecture and ecosystems are critically important.



Many standards, directives and guidelines have been written to dictate how data is generated and exchanged, how business processes are structured and managed, how software is developed and versioned, and how financial regulators manage competitive practices and while organizations are cooperating in ecosystems and attempting to fend off cyber-attacks.



Open standards relieve us from wasting time, trying to re-invent the wheel, they may save us from unidentified dangers and confusion lurking around the corner. They have intrinsic value that can be unlocked by the curious, the knowledgeable and the creative.



Increasingly we in the standards world shift our attention not only to writing standards but to making them executable, and enforceable, this is the digital shift in the standards world, a move beyond producing human readable standards.



And yes, standards are almost ubiquitous. They serve organizations large and small, and make everyday trivialities so smooth that they certainly go unnoticed.


A simple example is that, if you own a smartphone, then you are perhaps an unwitting user of the POSIX® standard, which is certified against the specification managed by The Open Group and IEEE.

一个简单的例子是,如果你拥有一部智能手机,那么你很可能是POSIX®标准的无意用户。POSIX®标准是根据The Open Group和IEEE的管理规范进行认证的。


Additionally current implementation of MacOS and other operating systems delivered by global ICT giants are tested and certified against the UNIX® specification which enables major systems providers around the world to add value and compete using a standard operating system (OS) foundation to bolster business continuity and scalability, the differentiation and competition occurs above the agreed standard.

此外,MacOS 和其他日前全球ICT巨头所提供的操作系统都是通过UNIX®的规范认证的,这使得世界各地的主要系统供应商能够交付价值,并使用标准操作系统(OS)来增强业务的连续性和可扩展性;差异化和竞争发生在达成行业共识的标准之上。


The UNIX® standard originated to addressing problems in scalability, compatibility and interoperability, and conformance to this standard helps to reduce the total cost of ownership while driving innovation, agility, reliability and interoperability in heterogeneous environments, thus empowering business innovation across the globe.



There are many Open Standards examples around us — from Wi-Fi that literally bring your friends or family on the other side of the world closer than your next door neighbor, to the developing set of standard-based common models to capture Green House Gas data across all industries, the core mission of The Open Footprint™ Forum, taking its first first steps in value generation from data driven executable standards.

我们周围有许多开放标准示例,包括使得太平洋彼岸的朋友比隔壁邻居和你距离更近的Wi-Fi网络;到开发独特的基于标准的通用模型,以捕获所有行业的温室气体数据,这也是 The Open Group开放环境足迹论坛的核心使命,迈出向以数据驱动可执行性标准,促进价值生成的第一步。


Collaborating with customers and suppliers of technology products and services, and with consortia and other standards organizations, The Open Group pursues its mission of “Boundaryless Information Flow™”, that is, an open flow of information in a secure and reliable manner to drive industry innovation, cost reductions and enable a variety of cost-effective, simple-to-use, holistic solutions.

通过与技术产品和服务客户和供应商,以及联盟和其他标准组织合作,The Open Group追求“无边界信息流™”的使命, 即以安全可靠的方式传达开放的信息流,推动行业创新、降低成本并实现各种经济高效、易于使用的整体解决方案。


So back to the fundamental question: “What could be a better way of doing things?” The answer, in part, I believe, lies in Open Standards developed in a way that is based on trust , and, consensus and that ensures openness, interoperability,  and adoption, and unlocks business value — a reality that we at The Open Group co-build with all stakeholders. And for sure, you are invited!

那么,回到根本问题:“什么是更好的做事方式?”这个回答,在某种程度上,我相信,在于以一种基于信任和共识的方式开发的开放标准,这种开放标准确保了开放性、互操作性和采用性,并释放了业务价值——这是我们The Open Group与所有利益相关者共同构建的现实。现在可以肯定的是,我们邀请您也加入其中!




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